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I hope I am hopelessly late in doing a review on My Name Is Khan (MNIK), but since the buzz doesn’t seem to die down, I just couldn’t help but put forth my point of view , so here goes…………..

First things first. MNIK is needed a good movie and even though many may claim that it is an irregular kind of movie, I still believe that it adheres to the established norms of our Bollywood movies, and it does play heavily with the audience’s emotions. SRK is the star of the movie and I firmly believe that it is one of his finest performances (Though Chakde India’s Khan definitely rules over this Khan-at least for me). Kajol is as usual at her best and these two being the main protagonists, there isn’t much left for others to do.

However, as to it being a revolutionary movie in the history of Indian cinema, well that is something on which I have my_name_is_khanreservations. It isn’t exactly a path breaking movie and there are times when you feel that Karan should have paid more attention to the details. A few scenes in fact leave you cringing : A fake ‘Obama’ , for God’s sake !

Music by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy is soothing and melodious. But then again you have this feeling of deja vu : or maybe it’s the SEL trademark.

All in all, I feel MNIK is another good Bollywood movie which just misses it’s mark. Watch it for Shahrukh.